
作者: 乔·斯图尔特·拉特雷,网络安全总监 & IT保证,BRM咨询和ISACA董事会前任董事
发表日期: 2024年2月2日

我曾致力于建立ISACA的SheLeadsTech项目 participated in the United Nations’ Commission on the Status of Women, the underrepresentation of women in the tech workforce has been top of mind for me for many years. 现在, the rapid adoption of artificial intelligence is amping up both risks and opportunities in this area. 我们都需要密切关注.

我们的世界深度数字化, 人工智能的进步加速了这一进程, is a double-edged sword that can both promote and generate bias on social norms, 性别和文化平等.

In my upcoming session, “The Good, the Bad and the Ugly of Innovation & “数字时代的技术变革” 以区域为重点的2024虚拟会议, I will share my insights on how AI is recalibrating deeply entrenched challenges for equity in the digital world.

目前, across the globe there are very few metrics in place to truly measure the digital transformation of economies and societies. 然而,我们知道,妇女和女童正在被抛在后面. In a technologically rich world, we are witnessing 一种新的贫困形式. 根据联合国秘书长的说法, 阁下, 安东尼奥地沟, 一种新的贫困形式, 数字贫困已经诞生.


Digital poverty is the inability to interact with the online world fully – when, 个人需要在哪里以及如何去做. 这可能有很多原因, 包括缺乏连通性, 我很遗憾地说, affects a considerable percentage of people in my home country of Australia who live in regional, 农村和偏远澳门赌场官方下载. 同样, it may be because of the lack of means to connect – either not having a device or not being able to afford connectivity.

有趣的是,在全球范围内, 只有57%的女性可以上网, which can severely limit their access to information and services. 说到这一点, the US-based Kellogg Institute tells us that any population segment can be hit by digital poverty, and it does not necessarily mean that the individuals themselves are economically impoverished.


There can be no doubt that AI is shaping the future – sometimes in staggering fashion. It has the potential to change the way we work and determine what IT jobs of the future will look like. 大型语言模型, 机器学习, AI and generative AI are all playing a significant role in the world of big data, and each offers real benefits that could shape a future where technology contributes to transforming social norms, amplifying the voices of those that traditionally do not have a voice.

But AI also has the potential to sideline women as equal partners. 为什么? Technology is a human creation that reflects the people who develop it. 它是人类为人类制造的. While the digital age and emerging digital technologies are presenting new opportunities and offering innovative solutions for users, 它们构成了新的挑战,并引起了令人担忧的问题.

According to the World Economic Forum, only 22% of AI talent globally are women. The consequences of the lack of inclusion of women are serious. Mounting evidence suggests that biases in AI are on the rise without diverse perspectives. 

The underrepresentation of women in this field leads to badly designed algorithms and learning systems that are trained on data that contain gender biases, resulting in a reinforcement of gender stereotypes through systems created, 资源分配不公平, 性别歧视和对男性的持续偏见. ”的偏见, 偏见了,正如一位杰出的女性研究人员所解释的那样, 现在取代了旧的科技格言“垃圾进来”, 垃圾.”


为了缩小数字鸿沟, 我们需要在设计中实现平等参与, 创建和, 在必要时, 技术规范. Despite the small steps to bridge this divide, progress has been glacially slow.

Opportunities for women to innovate and to secure well-paying careers will directly influence the ways in which technologies are either shaped or are stunted.

This was the theme of 2023’s Session of the Commission on the Status of Women at UN HQ in New York. One of the ways to achieve a more level playing field is for national policies and initiatives to increase parity across science and technology, which until now have largely not focused on the source of the issue – the people and institutions that provide unsupportive environments for women and girls.

While you and I might not be able to change everything that contributes to this gender imbalance, there are things that we can do within our own spheres of influence. 作为技术专业人士, we are potential role models for the young women in our spheres and somebody that they can look up to and perhaps follow in your footsteps. Let’s offer ourselves to be a mentor or a coach to help a woman to pursue and to thrive in the career that she is seeking. ISACA的导师计划 是一个很好的起点吗.

There are more steps we all can take to strengthen and diversify our digital ecosystem, and I look forward to discussing this with you in greater detail at ISACA的虚拟会议. 让我们捍卫一个人工智能惠及所有人的未来.
